33 Days Till Christmas!
With the holidays quickly approaching, all of you Mom's or Mom's to be may be thinking what do I get my baby? Whether it is there third or their first Christmas deciding on gifts can be tough. Although the options are endless.. really I did take a look at GoogleTrends to see what the Internet had to say about this. I decided to search "baby's first Christmas" and found related queries to be "baby's first Christmas ornament" and "baby's first Christmas stocking". Though these gifts may not suit the average toddle, they are great ideas for a babies first Christmas being that you can hold onto it for a lifetime, and always have a memory to look back on while decorating the tree.
After seeing these results I then took to Google with the search query and surprisingly found many ornaments for babies first Christmas (the Internet does not lie people.. well for the most part) ;) Many of these ornaments ranged in price, place of sale, from designer brands to handmade on Etsy. So, as you can see the options are endless and the chance of you finding the perfect ornament is pretty high. Here are some examples from my search:
They make for a pretty great gift too! So, stop stressing and start searching for your perfect babies 1st Christmas ornament.
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