Black Friday vs Cyber Monday

Black Friday has a designated day for itself and some would consider it a holiday now. A day where everyone's inner psycho comes out to play to obtain the last mini fridge at the closest Target. Black Friday has been around for a while and now cyber Monday is taking charge and giving consumers amazing deals while being able to sit on your phone or computer and place an order at any place, at any time.


As it turns out, cyber Monday is making its way to being the number one way to shop for Christmas gifts. Using Google Trends, I was able to review the successes and pitfalls of each designated shopping day. Although they both were close at the peaks moments of each day, cyber Monday is continuing to grow around the country and is on average more popular than its counterpart, Black Friday.


On cyber Monday, Montana is the biggest contributor when it comes to this shopping holiday. My theory on this would be that this state has a vast amount of rural areas which then leads to not having as many shopping malls in the area, so these people result in shopping online. I mean, why not? You can sit in your PJ's, eat popcorn while watching Netflix, and shop online. Honestly, what could be better?

Black Friday has its' top hits in Mississippi. A trend that keeps occurring for Black Friday is the most of states that take part in this holiday are people from the south. Now this is a brain buster for me! I would like to know some of your ideas and theories on this. Write a comment below and let me know what you think! 

By: Courtney Kitzman 
