The Lowdown on Dropshipping?

by Donald Wooten

If you've begun looking for a new way to make money, how to start a side-hustle, or start your own business in the modern age of technology you've probably heard or thought about an ecommerce store. You may think "I know nothing about computers and programming, let alone how I would keep an inventory and deal with shipping." 

In this day and age, it's easier than ever. With website applications like WordPress and Wix, you need to know virtually nothing about programming to put together a professional and automated internet store. Watch a couple YouTube videos, and google the stuff you're unsure about and you're all but set to launch your own business. 

But what about inventory? That's where dropshipping comes in. Traditionally, if you were to start selling a product, you'd have to figure out how to manufacture it, store it, and ship it to your consumers - assuming you could get the word out. Or perhaps you want to be a re-seller. In order to get a good price from a wholesaler, you'd have to buy a large amount of product for the price break, and then hope you could sell all your widgets. This causes a need for upstart financing, inventory storage, and you still have to deal with shipping the product. 

With dropshipping, this is all made as easy and painless as possible. Essentially, you advertise and event design your products to a consumer, and they order the product through your website. The order is then automatically forwarded to the wholesaler, where the product is created or simply shipped to the consumer. It's as easy as that - and getting easier. 

For a pristine example of an easy dropshipping company go to their variety of educational videos make the integration of ease into your business almost seamless.
