As demographics within the beer industry change, so do the tactics of how to target the different audiences. As the baby boomer generation slowly declines the millennial generation is becoming more and more influential. Millennials have produced different and unorthodox trends that generate a buzz within social media. The millennial generation as tech savvy and sophisticated as they are, differ drastically from gen x and the baby boomers.
Bud Light has observed very carefully among the millennial demographic. It has taken note of their interests, culture, and influences. Millennials like pop culture, comedy, and assortment of options. Bud Light has taken notes off of Game of Thrones which is a popular series among the millennial demographic and created a series of commercials with the tagline; “Dilly Dilly”. These commercials have become a huge success.
While Bud Light penetrates well within the demographic, other companies seem to struggle when it comes to targeting millennials. In a report by the Collage Group, they claim that millennials have been hurting big beer sales for their complexity among alcoholic beverages and divergence to craft beer. In the graph below Different cohorts of generations are shown, each is differentiated into specific age ranges. This data is acquired through surveying and analytical data found through the Collage Groups efforts.

Among trends, views and opinions are a big factor among millennials when choosing their beer of choice. What Bud Light does well to attract such a strong following of millennials is through its penetration in the culture. They are culturally relevant for example; the NFL and NBA skinned cans, Game of Thrones style commercials, and its sponsoring of artists like Post Malone. These are all things that are trendy and culturally relevant within the demographic.
By, Bertin Jacobo
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