New Lost In Space Show Data Proves Binging Netflix Shows is Real
By: Carter Spindler
On April 13th, 2018, Netflix released what they call a "Netflix Original" TV show called, Lost In Space. Prior to the release to the show, the hype was very big because of the similar plot that the show has to the huge hit show, Stranger Things currently on Netflix. The show consists of 10 episodes that are each an hour long and are riveting with action and science. Nearly 6.3 million people watched the premiere of the episode in the first three days. With this many people watching it on their personal accounts, this proves that people are always excited for new shows that Netflix releases. They are so excited that they in fact have trouble turning the show off once they start watching it. Of those 6.3 million people that streamed the show, nearly 1.2 million of them finished the entire 10-episode season in three days. Although this may seem like the show is popular, this simply shows that people like to watch the new culturally fad and grossing show that is being released on Netflix. Almost 80% of viewers on Netflix go back to their favorite old shows on Netflix once they have finished the new show. This is due to the fact that the show won't release the new season for a while because the season was just released. This can be a problem with binging shows and indicates that people are turning more to streaming versus cable television, making them "cord cutters."
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